Book reviews

Authoritarian Apprehensions: Ideology, Mourning, and Judgement in Syria by Lisa Wedeen (Chicago University Press, 2019) in Middle East Report (November 2020)

Civil War in Syria: Mobilization and Competing Social Orders by Baczko, Dorronsoro & Quesnay (Cambridge University Press, 2018) in The Middle East Journal (fall 2018)

Andreas Anter, Max Weber’s Theory of the Modern State: Origins, Structure and Significance  
(Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014) in Political Studies Review 14, 1 (2016)

Raphael Lefebvre, Ashes of Hama: The Muslim Brotherhood in Syria (London: Hurst Books, 2013) in RUSI Journal 159, 2 (2014)

Theodor Hanf and Nawaf Salam, eds. Lebanon in Limbo: Postwar Society and State in an Uncertain Regional Environment (Baden Baden: Nomos, 2003) in Middle Eastern Studies 43, 2 (2007)

Tim Niblock, Saudi Arabia: Power, Legitimacy and Survival (London: Routledge 2006) in International Affairs 82, 5 (2006)